Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nothing's gonna change my world.

It's been so long, since i last updated my blog.
Everyday still the same routines, working life & enjoying my life with all my beloved
ones. Now i've a new name, as Ponten queen. Everyone knew that i always took leave
or mc on weekend. Next friday gonna be my last day of work. Counting down 7days
more, i'm freedom. Won't be working for the time being after quitting my current job.

And i'm going holiday on 20th May, with yzh. Hongkong!!
Actually we planned to go taiwan, but it's winter season now. So, we gave it a miss. But
maybe we going on September, yzh birthday. My passport going expiry soon, 6th Nov.
Yesterday i just posted out the passport application form for renew. Hopes my passport
photo manage to approve. If not i going retake it again.

Now a day, many peoples fall sick. All due to the weather, hot & cold. And my little girl,
having fever now. Just feed her with the fever medicine. Hopefully she will recover soon.